Scheduling a blog post

You can schedule blog posts to automatically publish at a specific date. This means that your blog post will be queued for publishing and won't be seen on your blog until the specified date and time.

It's a great feature to plan ahead, it allows you to create your blog posts ahead of time and schedule them at the day or time you see the highest traffic on your site. 

For instructions on how to create a blog post please refer to this link

In the settings of each blog post you will find the Publish blog post on (optional) field. Upon clicking into this field a calendar will pop up where you can select the date for when the blog post will be published. 


In the next step you can select the hour you would like your blog post to be published on the previously selected date. 


The next selection will be the minutes the blog post will be published.


To save the changes you can use the green Publish button on the bottom of the page. 


If you head back to the Blog > Posts area of the account, the scheduled Blog Post will show Publishing Pending next to it. This message will disappear once the publish date has passed, which is also when the blog post will be live.




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