A Fotomerchant theme displays either the photographers logo or the website title at the top of the navigation bar. For logos we support JPEG, GIF and PNG file formats and we generally recommend that the logo is no larger than 5 MB in size. A logo will be automatically optimised for your website depending on your theme, you can find more information about this in this link.
NOTE: If needed, the website title can be adjusted in the Website >Settings area.
1. Navigate to the Website > Theme section of your admin interface.
2. Scroll down to the Navigation Menu & Website Logo section title.
3. Tick the Show website logo radio button.
4. Use the Choose file button to upload your Logo.
5. In the pop-up select the file and click Open.
6. To finalise the changes, scroll down and use the green Save button.
If you don't yet have your own logo, background or favicon, feel free to grab the template PSD files below.
- Logo
- Background
- Favicon