The Google My Business service is a really effective way to help potential customers find and connect with you online. It's free and we can set it up for you for a once off service fee of $99.
If you already have a Google My Business account...
We'll need you to send us the login details (username and password) you normally use to login here.
Please also confirm the physical business address that you'd like us to submit to Google.
If you don't yet have a Google My Business account...
We just need you to confirm the email address that you'd like us to use in setting up a fresh Google Business account for you.
Please also confirm the physical business address that you'd like us to submit to Google.
(Note: If you're at all hesitant about sharing passwords for third party services, then a good idea can be to temporarily change your password to something like: "fotomerchant". You could then change back to your original password once the job is done.)