Understanding how to configure SEO in Fotomerchant is very important to the success and ranking of your website on search engines. There are many options within your Fotomerchant account to refine your SEO information, and this article will help you understand how it all comes together.
It is currently possible to configure SEO Information for the following areas in your website administration area:
- Galleries *
- Gallery Categories *
- Website Blog *
- Blog Posts
- Web Pages
- Gallery Pages
- Gallery Category Pages
- Portfolio Pages
* Added as part of Release 1.0.33.
When creating any of the above items in Fotomerchant, a section titled "SEO Information" is available with the option to configure the relevant SEO options.
It is therefore important to understand how this information is used on your website as it is dependant on how your website is configured.
SEO Information
In order to specify the SEO Information for a section of your website, you are encouraged to specify a Meta Title, Meta Description and Meta Keywords.
Meta Title
The Meta Title is what search engines typically display as the link text in search result.
Meta Description
The Meta Description is an overview of the page's content used by search engines when displaying search results featuring this page.
Meta Keywords
Meta Keywords are used by some search engines to read and interpret whether your site is relevant to someone's search. Only a few search engines still support this for SEO; the bad practice of keyword stuffing led to it being ignored by most search engines.
Order of Precedence for SEO Information
An order of precedence is applied when choosing what SEO Information will be used on each page. We hope this article helps clarify how this behaves in your Fotomerchant account:
- When viewing a web page, the SEO Information of that page will be used.
- When SEO Information isn't specified, Fotomerchant will default to the page details:
- Meta Title: Page Title
- Meta Description: <blank>
- Meta Keywords: <blank>
- When viewing the list of posts for your website blog, the SEO Information for your website blog will be used.
- When SEO Information isn't specified, Fotomerchant will default to the website blog details:
- Meta Title: Blog Title
- Meta Description: <blank>
- Meta Keywords: <blank>
- When viewing a blog post, the SEO Information for your blog post will be used.
- When SEO Information isn't specified, Fotomerchant will default to the blog post details:
- Meta Title: Blog Post Title
- Meta Description: Blog Post Content (first 150 characters with HTML elements removed)
- Meta Keywords: <blank>
- When a list of galleries or gallery categories in a portfolio page, the SEO Information for your portfolio page will be used.
- When SEO Information isn't specified, Fotomerchant will default to the blog post details:
- Meta Title: Portfolio Page Title
- Meta Description: <blank>
- Meta Keywords: <blank>
- When viewing the galleries inside a gallery category (via a portfolio page or gallery category page), then the SEO Information for your gallery category will be used.
- When SEO Information isn't specified, Fotomerchant will default to the gallery category details (if specified):
- Meta Title: Gallery Category Title
- Meta Description: Gallery Category Description (first 150 characters with HTML elements removed)
- Meta Keywords: <blank>
- When viewing the images inside a gallery (via a portfolio or gallery page), then the SEO Information for your gallery will be used.
- When SEO Information isn't specified, Fotomerchant will default to your gallery details (if specified):
- Meta Title: Gallery Title
- Meta Description: Gallery Description (first 150 characters with HTML elements removed)
- Meta Keywords: <blank>
- When linking directly to an image inside a gallery, the SEO information will be the image details (if specified).
- Meta Title: Image Title
- Meta Description: Image Description (first 150 characters with HTML elements removed)
- Meta Keywords: Image Tags