How Do I Activate Commenting for my Blog?

Disqus is a free service that enables commenting and threaded conversations for your blog posts. 

Activating Disqus Comments

1. Log into your Fotomerchant account and navigate to the Integrations > Social Networks area. 


2. Scroll down to the Disqus section and click Connect.


3. In the next step you will either need to sign into your account or create a new one as per the screenshot below.


4. Allow permission to access your account. 


5. Click Create a new Disqus Site


6. Enter a Website Name (e.g. your site title, domain name or business name), select a Category and click the blue Create Site button on the bottom of the page. 



7. You don't need to select a platform, this is already taken care of. The next step is to select Configure Disqus in the navigation on the left. 


8. On the next page you can fill in more information if you wish and then use the Complete Setup button on the bottom when you are done. 


9. Head back into the Integrations > Social Networks area of your Fotomerchant account. If you have never left the page you might need to refresh. (Shortcuts to refresh the page: Windows - Press Ctrl + F5, Mac - Press ⌘ Command + ⇧ Shift + R)

Then select the Disqus site you just created followed by the green Apply Selected Disqus button. 



NOTE: In case you don't see the Disqus Site that you have created here, you may need to change your privacy settings in the Disqus account

10. Disqus should have sent you an email with a link to verify the account. The account will need to be verified before website visitors can post. 


If you now go into one of your blog posts and scroll to the bottom of the page, you should see the Disqus comments section. 








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