Installing the Fotomerchant Lightroom Exporter

The LightRoom Exporter has landed and we're ready to get you uploading directly from your image editor!

There are two sets of instructions below. The first explains how to install the exporter for OS X. The second explains how to install the exporter on a Windows 7 system.


Installing on OS X

1) First, download the Exporter Zip file from the Downloads Page to an easy to find location on your hard drive.

2) Double click on the Zip Folder to extract the actual Exporter file: Fotomerchant-Exporter-32bit-v2.1.0.lrplugin

NOTE: Don't leave the file in your Downloads folder.. if you later clear out the Downloads folder you will break the exporter integration so make sure you save it somewhere safe!




Now, within Lightroom..

3) Click on File.

4) Click Plug-in Manager



5) Click the Add button under the Plug-in List.
6) Now locate the saved file, Fotomerchant-Exporter-32bit-v2.1.0.lrplugin and select it.
7) Hit Add Plug-in.




Back in the Plug-in Manager you should now see that your Fotomerchant Exporter is installed and running.

8) Hit Done.


That's it.. Your exporter is installed and ready to go!




Installing on Windows 7






Download the Exporter Zip file from the Downloads Page to an easy to find location on your hard drive.

Now, within your Lightroom application -

1. Click on File.
2. Click Plug-in Manager...





3. Select one of the existing plug-ins and click the Show in Explorer button.




This opens the Lightroom Plug-in folder for you..

4. The downloaded file is a zip file. Double click on it to enter it.
5. Now drag and drop the Plug-in file (Fotomerchant-Exporter-32bit-v2.1.0.lrplugin ) from the download location to the Plug-in folder.
6. Once the file has copied across you can close down Lightroom.
7. Now re-open Lightroom and access the Plug-in Manager once more per steps 2 & 3 above.



5. Back in the Plug-in Manager you should now see that your Fotomerchant Exporter is installed and running from the correct Plugin folder.

C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3.4\Fotomerchant-Exporter-32bit-v2.1.0"



That's it.. Your exporter is installed and ready to go!




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