You can set up a gallery so that only a specific contact or group from your Contacts > Contacts area can see the gallery and only if they are logged into their customer account on your website.
NOTE: This is a visibility security setting, that hides the gallery from all other contacts not included in the list. Any Contacts that are included will also need to log into your live site before the gallery becomes visible to them.
To grant exclusive access to a gallery you will first need to set up an account for your Contact. The instructions in this link will walk you through the process.
1. Navigate to the Library > Galleries area of your Fotomerchant account.
2. Use the Edit Gallery button (pencil icon).
The icons appear when you place the mouse on top of a gallery.
3. Scroll down and click to expand the Contacts and Contact Groups section title. Then tick the contacts or contact group you would like to provide exclusive access to the gallery.
4. To finalise this use the green Save button on the bottom of the page.