Transferring your website domain using ""

Here's a blow by blow look at pointing your domain to your new Fotomerchant site!

Note that in step 4 below, you'll need to enter your domain Verification Code. You can find your this by navigating to the Website / Domain Name page of your Fotomerchant admin account and making your way through the Custom Website Address process there!.. It will look something like this: dvrrtabcjdxnu

So, Log in to your account and then....


1. Click on Hosting & Services
2. Click on Manage Domain Services alongside your domain name.


3. Toward the bottom of the page, click on the Manage link next to the DNS Management service.

Entering your first 2 DNS records


Please take note of any previous A Host Records in this DNS management area.. and then remove them from your DNS zone before creating the following records.
This will ensure that your domain no-longer points to any previous websites and is instead fully transferred to your new Fotomerchant site.

4. Now enter your site verification code in the CName Sub Domain field. Eg: dvrrtabcjdxnu

5. Enter the text in the CName Server field.

6. Enter the first of the 2 Fotomerchant system IP addresses - - in the IP Adress / Afield. (Note that you can leave the Sub Domain field blank for this record)

7. Now commit these 2 changes by clicking the Update button.

Entering the final 2 DNS records


8. Now enter www in the CName Sub Domainfield.

9. Enter the text in the CName Server field.

10. Enter the second system IP address - - in the IP Adress / A field. (Again, you can leave the Sub Domain field blank for this record)

11. Commit these 2 changes by clicking the Update button.


12. Finally we need to create duplicate entries for the two A Records we've created in steps 6 and 10, but this time we want to enter an asterisk (*) in the Sub Domain field.
So create these two A Host records..

Subdomain IP Address / A
* ..hit Update
* ..hit Update


..and you're Done!


Note that these changes can take up to 48 hours to propogate through the network (though it's usually much quicker)
If your domain still doesn't correctly resolve to your new Fotomerchant site after this time then feel free to drop us a line by submitting a support request through the Help Desk or sending an email to

Do you want our Support Team to take care of this for you?
For a one-off fee of $99
 we will set up your domain.
Contact us today



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